Monday, August 04, 2008


That's my father in law, the late Hj Lamion bin Ahmad Ishak. I think this picture is essentially what my father in law was to me. Someone who had plenty of knowledge but never stopped learning. He'd spent hours going through the papers, going through every detail of whatever was being reported that day. He always had things to tell me, anecdotes to relate, ideas to share. After getting to know him, he learnt a thing or two from me too, mostly about food lah. Anything I brought him to try, he was game. Even when he was already not doing too good, he was still trying to learn how to use the chopsticks. I truly envy the tenacity and the enthusiasm he had when it comes to learning something new.

He was also truly diplomatic in ways he handled any situation he found himself in. Never one to raise his voice, at least whenever I observed him, he was the epitome of calm and grace. That was one of the things that I really liked about him and I am glad that Alam inherited that from him.

But the one thing that I will always remember about him is how much he loved his wife. I cannot even begin to describe how he loved her. Throughout this whole week after his passing, I have come to a realisation that everything he did was for her. I got the impression that he gave up living because he did not want to trouble her anymore.

Also in this week after his passing, a few things have come to light, some nice and some well, not so good. All that is important now is that he has moved on to where there is no longer pain from his renal failure, no longer pain from selfish human beings and no longer pain from the heartache that he suffers when seeing how some people called family behaves.

Ayah, you are in my prayers. Semoga roh Ayah dicucuri Rahmat. Semoga Ayah ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Semoga Tuhan mengampunkan segala dosa Ayah. Amin

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