Thursday, January 24, 2008


It's 8.15am and MBB just left for the office. Given my newly knighted title of stay at home wife, this would be the time when I'll just roll around in bed with Grisham or switch on the google box and catch whatever is on. Having worked since I can remember, this new title surely takes some getting use to. Not the title per se but the implications that comes along with it. I now have plenty of time to myself. I have been catching up on my sleep, my reading and now that my YELLO has arrived I have been presented with the opportunity to catch up on my pictures upload and my blogging. Sometimes I wonder why on earth do I blog and who is so bloody free to actually read my entries but I digress......

I have yet to get busy with housework and cooking and stuff as we have yet to move to our new pad so I'm basically being very indulgent and doing things that I have not had the opportunity of doing while I had a job. I now have the opportunity to lepak at Starbucks and read over a venti caramel macchiato without feeling guilty about the piles of books that have not been marked or that stack of essays that has yet to be graded. The catch is, my kakis aren't here, so I'm pretty much left to my own devices. I've yet to hook up with my friends here but as you can imagine, the're working too.... Life's little twists.....

As a SAHW it means I have no work which means no money. Now this aspect, I don't like. If I'm dysfunctional, it probably will take my self worth away. Fortunately, I'm not THAT dysfunctional. We had a sit down discussion about my working or not while we are in HK. I thought I'd give myself 3 to 4 months before deciding if I was going to be bored out of my mind and would desperately needed to get a job. MBB says he'd rather I stay home and take care of him and that we will be able to live comfortably PROVIDED I be tres careful with my budget.... that means, not so many bags and shoes ok? I guess I can live with that.... for the time being. By the way, I have already bought a pair of UCB ballets and a spy bag!! Haahahhh....

Anyway, if I wanted to work, I can actually go and teach at the Singapore International School but I thought of doing something that has got NOTHING to do with teaching. I was considering becoming a mailto:barista@Starbucks or becoming a tram driver or mailto:waitressing@shadowman or something like that lah.

Another thing that bugs me is that if we had stayed in SG, I would be driving my RAV4... but that can still happen when we go back lah. AND... given how things have developed back home, I am so bloody grateful we decided to make the move to HK. I cannot imagine what I'd need to do if we were still in SG. The pressure at work plus the stresses of handling home would probably drive me and MBB nuts! Speaking of which, I just have to say, just when you think nothing worse can happen, it does! and it'll just render you speechless. THAT'S another story for another day.....

But all things considered, I'm truly thankful for my life.....I do not envy my friends who are at work right now. Also very thankful that work is going well for MBB. May life get better from here on. Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Fendi Spy for me one lahhhhhhhhhhhhh....I'm a SAHM...budget even tighter than SAHW!!