We got ourselves a web cammie! So fun! Now I can talk to Has AND see her all the way in Athens. Hooray!! We spent quite some time being silly. The cammie also has a photo function. Sekali sekala perangai macam budak kecik tu macam seronok kan? Thanx Ayang for getting me the cammie! I absolutely love it!
Oi...is that a tampon stuck up your nose????aiyohhhhhhhhhhhh......
Eh... what lah tampon? I'm not as gross as you are hokay!! That's my vicks inhaler lah.
Gross as me?!?!?!?!? Eh...at least I'm not the one with a tampon-`looking' thingie stuck up my nose on my blog!!!!AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH...am I correct now? It DOES look like a tampon, eventhough you may vehemently deny it!!!!!
Not that is SUAVE!!!!
Your music isn't working on your site....?
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