Monday, September 11, 2006

It's Just Nerves

6 is the number of times I could not breathe.

4 is the number of times I crapped.

4 is also the number of times I almost vomitted.

2 is the number of times I actually did.

I have never been THIS nervous.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk.


blogfairy said...

Ni sebab dah lama tak take any major exams eh? when was your last time?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Well done!
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Anonymous said...

Good design! |

Surgeon In My Dreams said...
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Surgeon In My Dreams said...

Alright...stealing an idea from The Brady Bunch, when you get in the car just imagine the tester in his or her underwear. That supposedly put Marcia so much at ease she aced her test!!

Gosh I am sooooooo glad I took mine when I was but a child of 15. I would hurl ON the tester at this point...

Anonymous said...

I didn't puke...just had the farts!