Sunday, January 08, 2006

Daddy Dearest


I miss you.

I miss having you around.

I miss having you to vent out all my frustrations on and still get a smile.

I miss having you listen objectively then offer suggestions on what I should do next.

I miss listening to your funny funny analogies on life and problems we go through.

I miss having you around so you can tell me that I'm doing ok taking care of Mak.

I miss having you around so you can tell me that it's not my rezeki yet to have children.

I miss having you around so you can stare daggers at people who say's I'm doing it wrong.

I miss having you holding my hand telling me it's ok as long I know I have tried my best.

I miss you. I really do.

I wish you were here.

What I would not give to have you here for just one more day, to look at your face, to hold your hand, to have you hug me.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, kau berkatilah roh ayahku. Kau lindungilah dia dari seksamu. Kau tempatkanlah dia di sisi orang -orang yang beriman. Amin.

1 comment:

blogfairy said...

U can DO IT!!!!