I just don't like to get dark. I just don't. This summer sun has made me very dark. I hate it. I wrote previously that Mr Sun is no friend of mine, now I'll show you...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
My State of Darkness
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Summer Love? Not So Much.
It's summer here in Hong Kong. For the past 3 days, the sun has been shining so very very brightly that I think it needs shades itself. I was prepared that it was going to be hot. I WAS NOT prepared however, that it would scorch. As a result of which, yours truly is now a horrid shade of DARK. My arms are supertanned. The part covered by my watch, is a good FIVE, yes you read FIVE!! shades lighter than my current colouring.
My face, is sunburnt. I don't have the good fortune of turning a healthy red when tanned, I just go straight from brown to black. Well, oklah, not black, just horrid dark. It's terrible. Even now, I can feel heat eminating from my face. What's worse, all this excess heat is making me sick. I'm down with flu, fever, cough, the works. I hate it! Then, as if to rub salt into the wound, the aircon in my bedroom is blowing hot air! I think the coolant's all gone.
Whoever say summer's a great season must really enjoy getting burnt by the sun. I hate it. If I had the moolah, I'll up and go to, say, Aussie or New Zealand to ride out summer.
Mr Sun, you are no friend of mine. I will only be going out at night to ensure minimal darkening process. Autumn, quickly come.....
Saturday, June 14, 2008
My First Attempt
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tsk! Tsk!
A little knowledge is surely a dangerous thing. Especially when it comes to matters of life and death. Please lah, do homework why don't you? Not everything is as simple as it seems. Don't be a lemming. Just because some lemmings do it, doesn't mean it's good. It's so irritating, minds that never think. Simply make decisions based on what others say. Simply irritating.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
It's Back!
We like this Chinese Muslim restaurant on Wan Chai Rd. Since we came here, we've been there many many many times. It has a shiok selection of dishes. Very authentically chinese. We were told it was Shanghainese cuisine. No problem lah, the food is fantastic anyways. Recently, they decided to chnage the menu and make it a Cantonese restaurant. Changes are good right? NO. The food was terrible, they had this dish of fried beehoon, canto style, but it was just like beehoon fried in kunyit. So the tak sedap. We stopped going. Apparently not only us. Many of their customers also stopped coming.
Last weekend, we happened to pass the restaurant and saw that the old menu had returned! Hooray!! So we went in and had the Shangahinese Fried Noodles and the Spring Onion Chicken. So sedap! Yummm.....
We had half a chicken. The restaurant took it to mean quite literally and they even served us with half the chicken's head. It was halved right down the middle!! Things like these really gross me out. My alam dearest took the half head and put it under a bowl so that I would stop getting grossed out. So sweet he is....:-)
Saturday, June 07, 2008
The Halfway Mark
I thought now would be a good time to take stock of things. I've had my rest. I've had my catching up on me time. It's time to dust myself off and DO. I've started by housekeeping my blogspot and multiply. Updating the new stuff and deleting the old. Strengthening old re-kindled friendships, which is amazing, and throwing out toxic 'friends'. I'm surprised at how full of shit some 'friends' can be. Alam says I'm naive like that. Talking about re-kindled friendships, I realise that I have friends all over the world. Literally. These friends have made a life for themselves and not too shabbily I might add. There's a doctor in London, a securities specialist in Canada, a Queen's Council in Australia, an editor right here in HK and more... ironically, these people who have travelled the world and are such high flyers are so humble and are NOT a pretentious lot. Unlike what I have been exposed to in my wonderful world of teaching. Sigh.....
Well, As I've said, it's time to DO.
1. Take Cantonese Lessons
We had an electrical failure episode a few nights ago which could have gone so wrong if we were bad at charades or if Alam didn't have Canto speaking colleagues. After that was sorted out, we decided that I HAVE to go learn.
2. Exercise
We have decided that while we are not putting on more weight - thank goodness- we should try to lose the excess weight - and we have plenty! - that we have. So, we will be walking on saturday mornings at Victoria Park. Oh, and I am seriously considering joining a gym.
3. Cook Complex Dishes
I'm going to try to up my cooking game. Not sure how but by God, I'll surely try!
Those are my priorities at the moment. I'll revisit these in say, 3 months and I'll give you an update. In the meantime, I'm gonna go look for matresses. My lovelies are coming to town! Can't wait! Oh, and KL cannot come fast enough! Gah!