Today I just received word that there are only 5 more games to the dreaded world cup. Not that I have anything against football as a game per se but the world cup is something else. I'm soooo damned bloody glad that it's coming to an end. Anyway, let's get updated shall we?
In the wise words of Julie Andrews, Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start....
June holidays came around after the fluster of pre and post exam activities. After getting stressed out with countless Meet the Parents sessions which after a while lost it's fear for me, ( ya! I was afraid to meet parents ), the Analysis of the SA1 results reared it's ugly head. My department then brainstormed why the results were so and thankfully some issues were addressed. ( Read: My issues, I addressed it myself. Heh ) With that well behind me, I started on the almost-always-impossible mission of clearing my desk.
After that was done to my acceptable standards, obviously not very high, I vowed to never return to school again unless absolutely necessary. Although I owed Mdm R work review and books.Heh I am glad that I kept to my word as this June, I DID NOT at all come back to school. That I think is the first time I'd done that. June was not much of a holiday anyway. The first week was spent doing department stuff and P6 supplementary.The 2nd week, I slept and slept and slept. I was a piggy but I was tired. I just wanted to rest and rest I did.
The third week of the holidays, MBB was on leave and we spent quite a bit of time with my BIL's family. That means me getting a whole lot of time with my 2 lovely nieces. I love these girls.

Following the Zoo weekend, we went to the beach. It was leisurely, unhurried and was quite a nice day out. We went to East Coast. It was a sunny, sunny day. While yours truly was not too happy about that, my nieces were so excited to play in the sand and wade in the water. I had wanted to take them in but the sand in the sea had many many stones in them. I was not about to be stepping on very rough stones, thank you very much! Who do I report such bad sea conditions to? Anyhow, the girls and their mummy and daddy built a sandcastle and they had a wonderful time. ( I had wanted too put pictures here too, but well, you know )
20th June was a special day. MBB turned 34! Happy birthday sayang! We had a wonderful day out. Although clumsy me had to spoil it somewhat by spraining my ankle which I later found out was a torn ligament. We caught The Omen that day. You can give this show a miss coz it was so very the boring! We then had a nice dinner at Bali Thai because I had a craving for the Ayam Panggang Bali. Shouldn't MBB be the one to decide where to eat? Of course lah, but since he loves me sooo much,he let ME have my way...heh. ( Well, pictures were supposed to be here too but.... )
I had to go to Batam this hols for a staff planning retreat. Yes, do not do a double take. You read it right. It was B-A-T-A-M that I wrote. I had never been there. But I do hear horror stories of things that go on there. So imagine my distress when the P announced that we'll have a staff retreat there. Of all places. There was always Bintan. I would have rejoiced and brought MBB along to continue his birthday celebrations if it had been Bintan. But it was not so MBB had to stay home. Anyway, he had the World Cup to occupy him without me yelling in his ear to get to bed.
I had very adverse expectations about this trip. I had expected the ferry people would screw up our ride. I had expected the hotel to forget that we were checking in. I had expected the hotel grounds and rooms to be below expectations, never mind that it was a Holiday-Inn hotel. I had expected them to deliver a spoon I'd request 5 hours later. But what a pleasant pleasant surprise I got! The hotel grounds and rooms were great! The service staff was effective and very very polite. The staff of certain hotel in JB where we also had a staff retreat once, should do well to learn a thing or two from these great Batam service people. All not so good thoughts I had about this trip had vanished. As a matter of fact, I had great time minus the work bit lah.
I really want to bring MBB there. I'd spent more time in the room this time. Heh. ( Again, pictures will come soon. But can refer here if no patience. heh )
Well, so much for updates. School's in and so work begins. Miss them munchkins though. Till the next update... Toodaloo!